Human sexual response


  • Florence Zanchetta Coelho Marques
  • Simone Braga Chedid
  • Gibrahn Chedid Eizerik


Therapeutical Approaches, Sexual Dysfunctíons, Sexuality


Human sexuality, despite having been thoroughly explored by the media, which
ends up attributing so-called "free" patterns of behavior, remains, as time passes, a subject surrounded by lack of knowledge and taboos. which are often among
the main causes of sexual dysfunction. In this review, the authors introduce the
concept of Sexuality within the ambit of bio-psychosocial indicators and explore
the physiology of Human Sexual Response according to the studies of Masters
and Johnson and Kaplan and classify the most prevalent Sexual Dysfunctions
among men and women, quoting their multifaceted causes, as well as the possible
therapeutic approaches. based on the main experts on the subject. The authors
also attempt to emphasize the importance of the doctor-patient relationship,
which is frequently forgotten by health professionals, creating an important
channel of communication between the parties involved. and which, undoubtedly,
contributes to the establishment of a suitable bonding and, consequentIy, to obtaining more satisfactory results in the management of patient complaints.


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How to Cite

Marques, F. Z. C., Chedid, S. B., & Eizerik, G. C. (2008). Human sexual response. Revista De Ciências Médicas, 17(3/6). Retrieved from


