Work conditions, health and voice of university teachers


  • Emilse Aparecida Merlin Servilha
  • Pamela Manchado Pereira


Voice disorders, Faculty, Working conditions


The objective of this study is to learn the working conditions, university teachers and establish relationships between then.
health and voice of Twenty-one teachers participated by filling out a quesüonnaire called Teacher's Vocal Selection, covering personal. work, health and voice data. The collected data received quantitative treatment and the findings were described and compared with those of literature.
Most participants were females (76%) aged from 24 to 60 years with a mean age of 45
years. The mean teaching period was of 17 years, working from 2 to 16 hours/class per
day. Regarding the characteristics of the working environment, those mentioned most
often as positive were proper lighting and cleanness (57.1%) and as negative were
tiring and very hot environment (47.6%), Visual aids were used in 40.9% of the classes
and a microphone was not used by 52.4% of the teachers since this resource was not
available or was considered uncomfortable. The health complaint mentíoned most
often by the teachers was stress (47.6%), Regarding the teachers' classificaüon of their
own voices. dear voice was menüoned most often as a positive aspect (28.6%) and weak voice as negative (28.6%)
In general, the physical conditions are favorable, however excess work associated with dasses with visual aids generate stress and require cautions with the teacher's health
and voice. Availability of microphones would be helpful.


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How to Cite

Servilha, E. A. M., & Pereira, P. M. (2008). Work conditions, health and voice of university teachers. Revista De Ciências Médicas, 17(1). Retrieved from



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