
  • Cláudia Roberta Bocca Santos
  • Emilson Souza Portella
  • Sonia Silva Avila


nutritional assessment, diabetes mellitus, diet, chronic disease, nutrition, obesity



Considering the increasing evidence of the fat acids role in the pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes mellitus, and the high mortality of diabetic patients because of cardiovascular diseases, the aim of the present study was to evaluate the nutritional profile of 49 type 2 diabetics, emphasizing the consumption of lípids. These patients, who were assisted at an university hospital in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, had never had any nutritional therapy.


The average age of men was 57 years old, and that of the women, 55 years old. Anthropometric, biochemical and dietetic evaluations were assessed. The anthropometric assessment consisted of measurements of waist circumference, besides body mass and height to determine the Body Mass lndex. The biochemical analysis carried out were: fasting plasma glucose, pos-prandial glucose, and lipemia. For the dietary evaluation, the diet history and a food frequency questionnaire were used.


The results demonstrated a high percentage of subjects with weight excess and abdominal obesity. The biochemical analyses revealed inadequate glycemic contrai, hypercholesterolemia, hypertriglyceridemia, low plasma HDL-C and high LDL-C concentrations. The dietetic evaluation demonstrated that ingestion of saturated fats and cholesterol was higher than the dietary recommended values, while ingestion of mono and polyunsaturated fats was below such values.


Oue to the results exposed above, it is justífiable to recommend individual nutritional intervention to improve the food habits and correct the observed dietetic inadequacy.


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How to Cite

Santos, C. R. B., Portella, E. S., & Avila, S. S. (2005). NUTRITIONAL EVALUATION OF TYPE 2 DIABETIC PATIENTS. Revista De Ciências Médicas, 14(2). Retrieved from



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