Variações nas medidas morfológicas em três tipos de populações de Musca Domestica L.


  • Sueli Maria Alves
  • Muracy Bélo
  • Débora de Jesus Pires

Palabras clave:

Linhagens, ambiente, competição, mosca domestica, teoria selecionista, teoria neutralista


Investigation of 18 morphometric characters in Musca domestica strains showed that natural populations presented the smallest measurements while descendant groupings, assembled ata density of 400 eggs, showed the largest measurements. The groupings which started with 800 eggs presented many characteristics similar to those of the natural populations. This suggests that competition among larvae is an important selective aspect which may be responsible for the similarities presented by strains under natural conditions. Ali morphometric characters analyzed presented variations among the different types ofpopulations and no character wasfound to be neutral.


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Cómo citar

Alves, S. M., Bélo, M., & Pires, D. de J. (2000). Variações nas medidas morfológicas em três tipos de populações de Musca Domestica L. Bioikos – Título não-Corrente, 14(2). Recuperado a partir de


