
  • Eraldo Medeiros Costa Neto


ethnoentomology, advertisement, semiotic


This paper argues the use of insects as advertising tools attached to products and services. Data were obtained by analysing the co!lection of about 850 advertisements that are deposited at the of Feira de Santana State University,Ethnobiology Laboratory. A set of 45 coming fromfive countries and showing the image of insects has been analysed. Thirty-three morphospecies of five orders have been recorded. The order Lepidoptera, followed by the arder Hymenoptera, have predominated. The predominance of butterflies over the other insects can be explained by their symbolic and cultural importance. However, the low number of insect images used in advertisements can be understood by human aversion toward invertebrates.


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How to Cite

Costa Neto, E. M. (2000). THE USE OF ENTOMOMORPHICAL SJGNAL-STIMULI IN ADVERTJSJNG. Bioikos, 14(1). Retrieved from


