
  • Fábio Marques Aprile
  • Reinaldo Lombardi
  • Irineu Bianchini Junior


Coastal dynamic, Erosion processes, Doce River, Sedimentation, Brazil


The Doce Ri ver is one of the largest rivers of southeastem Brazil, with its mouth situated in the municipalily of Regência (19.6°S, 39.8ºW). Regional climate is "Aw" with warm anel rainy summers. This research was carried out between 1993 anel 1998, with the aim of assessing the influence of the coas tal dynamic and erosion processes on the Doce Ri ver mouth geomorphology. Textural and chemical analyses were performed on the soils anel sediments collected including total phosphorus anel organic matter. The results show that the river system is strongly influenced by regional lithological factors anel human interference on the vegetation. The Doce River mouth shows accelerated erosion on the banks, with a high levei of dissolved and suspended matter transported, mainly at rainy season. A new description of special cartography in applied geomorphology is presented in this study. 


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How to Cite

Aprile, F. M., Lombardi, R., & Bianchini Junior, I. (2004). THE COASTAL DYNAMIC AND THE EROSION PROCESS AT THE DOCE RIVER MOUTH, ESPÍRITO SANTO, BRAZIL. Bioikos, 18(1). Retrieved from


