ias in wild animal species reintroduction programs in Brazil


  • Sérgio Alves Bambirra
  • Amanda de Oliveira Ribeiro


Conservation, Wild species, Brazil, Reintroduction


The reintroduction of animal species has been seen as a valuable too/ for environmental conservation, as witnessed by the increasing number of actions in this fie/d. The best approach for protecting endangered species is to implement conservation actions at the ecosystem levei but, generally, actions focus on specific animal groups, mostly those attractive to public opinion, despite there being other actions that are equally as important to biological system dynamics. The aim of this study was to evaluate possible taxonomic bias towards particular groups in projects to reintroduce wild species in Brazil, as we/1 as to ascertain the most common ways to publicize its results, through the evaluation of different bibliographical sources related to the reintroduction of animal species in Brazil. Of the 130 records of reintroduction found, 3. 8% related to amphibians, 8. 5%to reptiles, 26.2% to mammals and 61.5% to birds, and no formal projects related to fish were noted. From 220 studies relating to the reintroduction of wild species in Brazil, 37 were peer review artides, 8 chapters in books, 28 academic studies, 17 projects, 92 abstracts and 38 were classified as other kinds of publication. As with conservation research in general, taxonomic bias pervades reintroduction programs, with a predominance of projects encompassing "charismatic" species, as demonstrated in this study. Data records are sti/1 fragmented, indicating the need to build databases which would support future initiatives.


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How to Cite

Bambirra, S. A., & Ribeiro, A. de O. (2009). ias in wild animal species reintroduction programs in Brazil. Bioikos, 23(2). Retrieved from https://periodicos.puc-campinas.edu.br/bioikos/article/view/664


