se of the effluent from the secondary nursery of Macrobrachium amazonicum for the production of hydroponic /ettuce (Lactuca sativa) and watercress (Rorippa nasturtium aquaticum)
Freshwater prawn culture, Water quality, Nutritive solutionAbstract
Water that results from aquiculture is generally rich in nutrients, especially in nitrogen and phosphorus compounds, possessing great potential for use in hydroponic vegetable production. Thus the objective of the present study was to evaluate the utilization of the water from Macrobrachium amazonicum nursery for the production of hydroponic watercress (Nasturtium aquaticum Rorippa) and lettuce (Lactuca sativa). The experiment was conducted at the Center for Aquicu/ture at the São Paulo State University -Jaboticabal, SP, in wintertime. Three groups of hydroponics benches were built on three nurseries, whose water was pumped to the hydroponic channels in alternating intervals of 15 minutes. The watercress and lettuce seedlings were transplanted into the system 25 days after sowing and they remained there for 45 days until they were harvested. Five types of treatment were employed (Contrai; Fortnightly spraying without drip irrigation; Fortnightly spraying with drip irrigation; Weekly spraying without drip irrigation; Weekly spraying with drip irrigation) to evaluate the effects of adding the nutritive solution on the plants' biomass. The watercress plants reached commercial weight with ali treatments, whi/e the lettuce p/ants did not. The week!y treatment of spraying with drip irrigation provided greater fresh biomass averages in watercress plants in comparison with other treatments. The lettuce plants showed greater fresh biomass averages, especially the part above ground, with the fortnightly spraying with drip irrigation treatment.
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