Pollination in urban area: the Jacaranda mimosifolia O. Don (Bignoniaceae) case study
Jacarandá-mimoso, Exotic species, Floral visitors, Melittophily, Nectar robbersAbstract
Jacaranda mimosifolia O. Don (Bignoniaceae) is natural from Argentina, Bolívia and Paraguay and it is exotic in São Paulo State, Brazil. This species is ornamental and used in urban areas. The aim of this study was to analyze floral biology and reproductive system and verify floral visitors of J. mimosifolia in ans urban area of Piracicaba, Brazil, from september to november 2008. The flowers of this species are tubular with four stamens and one we/1 developed staminode. During anthesis the flowers are purple, smooth odor and the osmophores are located in staminode. Nectar was the resource used by floral visitors. J. mimosifolia is self incompatible. Floral visits began at 6h30min and decreased at 17h30min among the pollinators of J. mimosifolia, the large bees behaved as pollinators, performing legitimate visits. Eulaema negrita was the most abundant bee species, with 14.88% of visits and it presents pollinator behavior. There was also a large number of nectar robbers, and Apis mellifera was the robber species with the highest number of visits (15.70%). Even if an exotic species, J. mimosifolia has native pollinators responsible for cross-pollination, but only bees of medium and large size act as effective pollinators.
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