Guidelines to sign Read and Publish agreements in Brazil from the analysis of the transformative agreements of Germany and Colombia



Open Access, Funding agencies, Article Processing Charge, Capes, Journals


The democratization of access to science sought with Open Access is accompanied by the payment of Article Processing Charges. In a context of scarce financial resources, “pay to publish” becomes a challenge for developing countries like Brazil. Given the lack of a policy on financing the charges for Brazilian funding agencies and the proliferation of transformative agreements around the world, this article presents guidelines for implementing Read and Publish agreements at Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior, based on the analysis of agreements signed in Germany and Colombia. Among the proposed guidelines, it is suggested that the agreements cover Open Access and hybrid journals, consider the publication history of postgraduate programs for the distribution of resources aiming to finance Article Processing Charges and function as a qualification policy that helps Brazilian researchers to publish in high impact journals.


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How to Cite

Alencar, B. N., & Barbosa, M. C. (2023). Guidelines to sign Read and Publish agreements in Brazil from the analysis of the transformative agreements of Germany and Colombia. Transinformação, 34, 1–22. Retrieved from


