Is the immediacy index of co-authored papers higher than that of single-authored ones?


Palabras clave:

Citation analysis, Collaboration, Co-authorship, Immediacy index, Multi-authorship


The study extends the conversation on the effect that co-authorship has on the citation impact of papers by analyzing the short-term advantage of co-authored papers. The results suggest that co-authored papers have a higher short-term impact than single-authored ones in all scientific domains. The study adds insights on the use of the immediacy index as an alternative indicator to evaluate the short-term competitive advantage of co-authored papers concerning the number of citations they attract. Furthermore, the study shows the efficacy of the immediacy index in comparing the short-term impact of different groups.


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Cómo citar

Ronda-Pupo, G. A. (2022). Is the immediacy index of co-authored papers higher than that of single-authored ones?. Transinformação, 34, 1–8. Recuperado a partir de


