Academic research

writing in the first person of the singular



Cartography, Communication, Written in the first person, Academic Research, Arts-based Research


Is it possible to produce scientific research in the area of communication while guaranteeing writing in the first person singular? To address the issue, I present theoretical-methodological alternatives that support authorial writing, arousing thinking about the passage from “pain” to “pleasure” of the text, based on Roland Barthes, Susan Sontag and Sueli Rolnik. As an example,
I bring two researches carried out in the Graduate Program in Communication and Society at the Federal University of Tocantins, Brazil, to show possible arrangements between the textual game and the articulation of images in academic research in a more experimental way, based on cartography and Arts-Based Research. If we weave research at the “crossroads of paths”, we have a lot to learn from methodologies that are different from those usually adopted in the area of communication. The article opens a dialogue about experimental practices in academic writing in the methodological interface between communication and related areas.


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How to Cite

AMANDA MAURICIO PEREIRA. (2024). Academic research: writing in the first person of the singular. Transinformação, 36, 1–14. Retrieved from


