Scientific production of women in Brazil
Researchers concentrate their efforts to understand the different female relations with science, using approaches that review
their scientific and technological participation, as well as, seeking to understand their academic trajectory and performance. In
this context, this study aimed to analyze the participation of women using as database the set of PhD graduates who have their
curricula entered in the Lattes Platform. The data were collected and selected obtaining a set of 125,515 curricula of women who
had completed their PhD. The PhD data were grouped according to the large areas of expertise (fields of science) and academic
training, in which it was possible to analyze the academic evolution and the scientific and technological production of the
group in a temporal manner. The different types of studies that help to understand the general aspect of women active mainly
in science, besides being relevant, exhibit the characteristics of their research. This may be useful for the generation of national
scientific indicators, for the management of information in the scientific area and for technological development. It is also useful
to encourage and valuate participation of women in science.