Biblioteconomia no Dissertation Abtracts International (1980-1984)


  • Geraldina Porto Witter
  • Dinah Aguiar Población
  • Vera Silvia Marão Beraquet

Palabras clave:

Produção científica, Biblioteconomia, metodologia


o objetivo é estudar a produção cientlfica de Biblioteconomia (teses) publicada na Dissertation Abstracts International (1980-1984) sendo maior a participação das mulheres, as bibliotecas universitárias são as mais pesquisadas e o tema mais freqüente é estudo dos seNiços. A pesquisa de levantamento é o tipo mais freqüente.


Los datos de descargas todavía no están disponibles.


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AJIBERO,M.I.(1984)- Factors Affectingthe Attitudesof Ubrarians and Faculty Members Toward Media Technologies in NigerianUniverslty - DAI, 45(5): 1228-A

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HEGG, J.L (1984) - Relatlonship of Continuing Education to Job Satisfaction of Academic Ubrarians in Four Midwestern States -DAI, 44(7), 1961-A

HELMICK,A.B. (1983) -Two Cognitive Styles Among library Science Students: Field - Dependence Ilndependence and Tolerance-Intolerancefor Amblguity-DAI, 43(10): 3146-A

HEEIN, B.R. (1980) -A History and Analysis 01the William Allen white Children's Book Award-DAI, 40(8): 4286-A

HORTON, W.J. (1980) - Relations hip 01Ubrary Skills to the Use 01the Libraryby Freshman Community College Student - DAI, 40(9): 4785-A

JAMES, S.E. (1984) - An Investigation 01 the Relationship Between Publlc Library Use Pattems and Local Economic Conditions in Twenty Urban Areas: 1960-1979 - DAI, 44(8): 2280-A

JENKlNSON, D.H. (1983) - Divorce as Portrayed in Selected Juvenile FictionPublished inAmericaBetween1941and 1977-DAI,43(11): 3448-A

KATZ,M.J.(1985)- Elements ofthe Sclentlflc Paper -Yale University Press, New Haven.

KEAVÉNY,S.S. (1983) -The Information Network 01Contemporary Art and the Fine ArtsLibrary- DAI,44(5): 1230-A

MARTIN,S.K. (1984) - Governance Issues 10r Automated Library Networks: The Impact 01, and Implications19r, Large Research Libraries-DAI,44(8): 2280-A

MEDINA, S. O'NEAL(1984)- The Role 01the State LibraryAgency in the Future:ADelphiStudy - DAI,45(1): 6-A

MORAN,B.B. (1982) - Career Progression 01 Male and Female Academic Library Administrators -DAI, 43(1): 7-A

MYERS,M.J. (1980) - The Effectiveness of Tlephone Referencel informationSelVicesin Academic Librariesinthe Southeast - DAI, 40(10): 5232-A

OLDUMI,T.S.D. (1980) - An Investigation of Public High School Libraries in Tehran, Iran and Recommendations for Their Development - DAI,40(8): 4287-A

POISSON,E.H. (1984) - Librariesand the Provision 01Health Informationto the Publlc - DAI,44(8): 2280-A

ROBERTS,A.F (1982)- LibraryInstructionfor Librarians-DAI.43(2) 295-A

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SHARMA, R.N. (1984) - Development of Indian Academic Libraries since 1800 and Contrlbutlon of Dr. S. R. Ranganathan: A Critlcal Study -DAI, 44(7): 1962-A

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WILKES,A.W.(1987) -A Study of ManagerlalFunctions Performed by Beginnlng Academlc Librarlans and thelr Perception of their Preparation for these Responsabilitles-DAI,44(7): 1962-A

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Cómo citar

Witter, G. P., Población, D. A., & Beraquet, V. S. M. (1992). Biblioteconomia no Dissertation Abtracts International (1980-1984). Transinformação, 4(1/2/3). Recuperado a partir de


