A multidimensional approach to Mexican scientific output from 2010-2019



Scientific output, Multidimensional analysis, Science mapping, Self-organized maps, México


The current work aims to characterize the Mexican scientific production in 22 main fields and 151 thematic subfields, using a multidimensional methodology based on productivity, impact and Altmetric measures. Data were extracted from Dimensions database. Indicators available at Dimensions Analytics service were used and represented via LabSOM software and ViBlioSOM methodology, based on artificial neural networks. The characteristics of the major fields and their corresponding subfields were studied. Multidimensional maps based on the Kohonen algorithm were constructed. Activity index, attractivity index, relative impact, field citation ratio, percentage of publications with Altmetric Attention, and Altmetric Attention Score were the indicators chosen for visual representation. Mexican scientific production experimented an exponential growth during the period 2010-2019. Agricultural and Veterinary Sciences, Environmental Sciences, Physical Sciences, Biological Sciences, Earth Sciences, Mathematical Sciences and, surprisingly, History and Archeology achieved the best bibliometric performances in relation to the world. The artificial intelligence-based method allowed the analysis of specific characteristics of Mexican scientific activities and common links among research practices in different knowledge domains.


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How to Cite

Arencibia-Jorge, R. ., Lozano-Díaz, I. A. ., Jiménez-Andrade, J. L., & Carrillo-Calvet, H. . (2023). A multidimensional approach to Mexican scientific output from 2010-2019. Transinformação, 35, 1–14. Retrieved from https://periodicos.puc-campinas.edu.br/transinfo/article/view/7320



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