Using Wikidata to identify the gender gap in Ibero-American public art
Gender gap, Monument, Public art, Sculpture, WikidataAbstract
The results of an investigation about the possibility of an existence gender gap in public art, based on the analysis of the monuments that can be found in public spaces in the capitals of Argentina
and Spain, are presented in this paper. Through the introduction of corresponding information of the monuments on both cities, in a free knowledge base (Wikidata); the typologies, the creators
and what these works of art represent were reviewed. We worked with 1851 monuments located in Madrid, and 2016 in Buenos Aires, finding substantial differences about the respect for works creators what they represent. 3.48% of pieces of art at Madrid, and 4.66% at Buenos Aires, were
created by female artists, while 14.48% of works in Madrid correspond to representations of the female gender compared to 10.59% in Buenos Aires. It was found that there is a notable gender
gap, being unusual to find monuments in public art made by sculptresses, even though that, in recent years, they have dedicated professionally up to twice that amount. Based on this research, it is recommended to increase the number of works created by women, as well as the increase of the number of times they appear represented, in addition to carrying out other initiatives for their greater visibility.
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