Knowledge organization and its contributions in a Big Data context



Categorization, Data, Scientific production, Representation of information


The objective of this work is to analyze the Big Data phenomenon (a technological context that deals with the analysis of intense data flows to obtain information that may be relevant to different social actors) and its impact on Knowledge Organization (an area that enables informational discovery, using for this the construction of organizational tools of semantic nature such as thesauri, taxonomies and classification systems aiming at the dissemination and development of knowledge in society) through a proposal to categorize scientific production. Based on the categories: product, processes and cognition oriented and in the epistemological, applied, political and social dimensions of ISKO-Brasil, this proposal represents a possibility of understanding the phenomenon of data in Knowledge Organization. It uses the exploratory method for reviewing literature and searching specialized databases on the topic of Big Data and Knowledge Organization. The results demonstrate the predominance of a more applied profile and oriented to processes related to the collection, curation and use of data. The study concludes that it is necessary to expand research related to social, cognitive, epistemological, and methodological issues, as well as the elaboration of more studies focused on ethics in this intense data scenario. It contributes to the understanding and expansion of research scenarios on Big Data in Knowledge Organization.


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How to Cite

Meschini, F. O., & Francelin, M. M. (2022). Knowledge organization and its contributions in a Big Data context. Transinformação, 34, 1–11. Retrieved from


