Model proposal for the management of e-books through the Semantic Web



Licensed digital books, Semantic Web, Linked data, Linked Open Data, Linked Enterprise Data


This paper is the result of qualitative research using the conceptual analysis method to develop a model for managing bibliographic
and licensing metadata of digital books contracted through library providers using Semantic Web technology. Libraries identified some difficulties with licensed ebooks such as metadata quality, aspects of collection development, ebooks management, and indicators generation. Linked data, linked open data, and linked enterprise data were the Semantic Web aspects studied, aiming to exchange open and closed data. As a result, it was possible to structure a model in which bibliographic data can be exchanged openly by libraries and providers, and the licensing metadata is exchanged only between involved partiers. With this model, providers can offer datasets with bibliographic and licensing data, favoring the updating of contracted ebook packages. The library can contribute to the quality of bibliographic data of providers, in addition, to reducing adjustments in the catalog and the licensing data, keeping statistics on the use of ebooks. The application of this model, in addition to confirming its usability, allows visibility and reach to libraries’ catalogs since they can structure and publish their records in accordance with the best practices for publishing data on the Web, positioning libraries as trusted data providers, contributing to the Web of data.


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How to Cite

Serra, L. G., & Santarém Segundo, J. E. (2022). Model proposal for the management of e-books through the Semantic Web. Transinformação, 34, 1–12. Retrieved from


