
  • NELSON SENRA Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro


Informalion, Stalislical information, Public policy


Statistical information plays a key role in the conception, design and implementation ofpublic
policy, which guide governmental decisions and actions (both direct and indirect). Thus - and
as a reslllt of changes in the scope ofgovernment activities- the demandfor statistical information
(public and official) has increased in scope and scale. Understanding the dynamics ofthis demand
has become a challenge for official statistical agencies. InfactJrom the supply side, however,
in spite of thefact that newer and better tecJlllologiesare introduced, there is always an awkward
rigidity in the production process itself. Public statistical agencies must strike a difficult balance
between their legitimacy (related to thedemandfor statistics) and reliability (from thesupplyside,
as it aJJectsscientific research). Statistical agencies areconfrontedwith several tOllghchallenges forlhejÚlure. rhis paper wil/ address some oflhese challenges and propose praclical measures aI presenllhal wil/ help deal with lhefuture


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