Digital exclusion and social exclusion: subject for discussion


  • Fernando Augusto Mansor MATTOS Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas


digital exclusion, social exclusion, Information and communication technologies


This paper analytically describes and interprets the role performed by the new Information and Communication Technologies in the recent “globalization”
process. This evaluation encompasses the complex of world’s economy and, in
particular, that of Brazil. The project’s guiding hypothesis presumes that the new Information and Communication Technologies tend to amplify the social exclusion
pattern already existing at the current historical period of the Capitalism. Besides, it assumes that those technologies reproduce, in amplified forms, the asymmetries existing among the countries, which are promoted by the economic globalization
process. This study also alerts to the strategic role invested in the access to information, as promoted by the new Information and Communication Technologies, and emphasizes how the digital exclusion develops new forms of
social exclusion.


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How to Cite

Mansor MATTOS, F. A. . (2003). Digital exclusion and social exclusion: subject for discussion. Transinformação, 15, 1–26. Retrieved from