The role of computer-human interaction in the digital inclusion


  • José Oscar Fontanini de CARVALHO Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas


computer-human interaction, digital inclusion, information society, universal design, accessibility


This article main objective is to disseminate the relevance of the Computer-Human Interaction for the digital inclusion. It approaches the development of digital
technology having in view its social benefits, and considers the growing concerns about digital exclusion. It examines digital inclusion and emphasizes the role of Computer-Human Interaction in its favor. It also presents such Interaction by means of definitions, objectives, history, evolution, justifications, importance and tendencies. Besides evincing the value of Computer-Human Interaction in the recovery of information, in proposes greater closeness between the Computerand the  Information Sciences, which would facilitate and spread the access to


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How to Cite

Fontanini de CARVALHO, J. O. . (2003). The role of computer-human interaction in the digital inclusion. Transinformação, 15, 1–16. Retrieved from