The teaching, research and apprenticeship based on problems


  • Leilah Santiago BUFREM Universidade Federal do Paraná
  • Andréia Massamí SAKAKIMA Universidade Federal do Paraná


apprenticeship based on education and research problems, teaching methodology


This paper discusses and proposes the application of the methodology known as “apprenticeship based on problems,” to bring closer the teaching and the research in information. Adopted with success in other areas of knowledge, the methodology stimulates students to use research techniques while they are still in the academic context, encouraging each of them to find one’s own study rhythm
and establish the knowledge according to his/her real needs. In the case of professionals driven towards such a diversified area as Information Science, the
methodology presents itself as a viable and useful proposal, with the objective to provide a more dynamic education, based on scientific research, and on a solid
building of experiences, practices and knowledge. For a better comprehension, this paper traces the methodology’s history, presents steps for its implementation and alerts against possible obstacles to be confronted. It emphasizes the
importance of adequate space and information resources, especially in the libraries, which are the proper reading and researching place.


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How to Cite

Santiago BUFREM, L. ., & Massamí SAKAKIMA, A. . (2003). The teaching, research and apprenticeship based on problems. Transinformação, 15(3), 1–12. Retrieved from


