Soft Systems Methodology, Information Science, graduate studies, organizational problems, undergraduate and graduate interaction, UniversidadeAbstract
This paper discusses the Soft Systems Methodology and its fundamentals, as well as the application of the Soft Systems Methodology in a graduate program on organizational change in the Information Science Department at the University of Brasília. The Soft Systems Methodology was developed by Peter Checkland as an alternative to hard systems methodologies, such as operational research.
The methodology consists of seven stages and uses specific tools; it’s based on a systemic approach, on phenomenology, and hands-on research. It has been applied to the most diverse situations, including problem-situations in organizations. Soft Systems Methodology has also been applied in Information
Science’ academic research, particularly in England, and now, in Brazil, at University of Brasília, where it was established as a discipline in the Information Science Department’s graduate program. To establish such discipline, the first step taken was the bibliographic survey on Soft Systems Methodology, followed by the syllabus development and course organization (taking into account the graduate students, but also including the undergraduate, the ones on PIBIC scholarships). The experience included careful observation of the students’ perceptions and reactions to the subject during the given academic term, as well as observation of the Soft Systems Methodology application to real
problem-situations. Besides, effective action was taken to improve graduate and undergraduate students’ interaction – resulting in a more effective interaction in the dept. as a whole. Applied to the Information Science academic studies, Soft Systems Methodology contributed to that field of knowledge and to its
interdisciplinary connections as well, be it for the methodology’s theoretical content itself, be it for the students’ variety of educational and professional profiles (Engineering, Computer and Information Sciences, Administration). Such students’ diversity allowed for a variety of real situations, on which to apply the Soft Systems Methodology. The methodology raised interest and motivation among students, and proved to be a viable and effective alternative, contributing consistently to the improvement of Information Science knowledge.
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