Scientific principles that manage the science and the technology of the digital information


  • Yves-François LE COADIC Instituição Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers


information science, information technology, digital information, epistemology of complexity, scientific principles


Within the framework of an epistemological project, a short critical study of five directing scientific principles, characteristic of the new informational paradigms which are present today in electronic information science and technology, is presented. In this discipline, either on the level of scientific knowledge construction or on the level of scientific information production, communication and use, new intellectual reinforcements are mobilized. Strong scientific principles exist and characterize new scientific paradigms. Adopted by some information scientists, thwarted or diverted by others, they are more or less fixed. Moreover, strong sociological, economic and political determinants come to scramble them and technological outburst, although accepted, adds a strong instability.


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How to Cite

LE COADIC, Y.-F. (2004). Scientific principles that manage the science and the technology of the digital information. Transinformação, 16(3), 1–10. Retrieved from


