Criteria of quality for scientific articles and journals: from printed media to electronic media


  • Maria Fernanda SARMENTO e SOUZA Universidade Estadual Paulista
  • Silvana Aparecida Borsetti Gregório VIDOTTI Universidade Estadual Paulista
  • Miriam Celí Pimentel Porto FORESTI Universidade Estadual Paulista


scientific communication, information science, Internet, electronic scientific journals


This revision sums up the curriculum and the role of the scientific communication,
in particular, the changes that occurred due to the emergence of the electronic
network of communication and data processing. The process of evolution and the basic functions of the scientific journal -memory and distribution- are reviewed,
as they are considered the main instrument of the scientific communication. Also Indicated is the criteria of quality of printed scientific journals that should be kept in the electronic magazines’ structure, in order to ensure the permanence of functions such as memory and dissemination, yet considering new structural
elements to be implemented. This work is part of a project whose objective is to implement a model that could contribute to the task of librarians, authors and scientific magazine users, in identifying electronic journals of quality, and that of publishers of magazines, in developing their projects. The study’s resulting material could be included in the education programs of information science
professionals, as well as be used as a projects’ supporting tool for publishers and electronic scientific magazines.


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How to Cite

SARMENTO e SOUZA, M. F. ., Borsetti Gregório VIDOTTI, S. A. ., & Pimentel Porto FORESTI, M. C. . (2004). Criteria of quality for scientific articles and journals: from printed media to electronic media. Transinformação, 16(1), 1–20. Retrieved from


