Analysis of the professors’ scientific production in the field of Philosophy and Humanities at the Federal University of Bahia (Brazil), during 1995-1999


  • Raymundo das Neves MACHADO Universidade Federal da Bahia
  • Rodrigo França MEIRELLES Universidade Federal da Bahia


scientific production, philosophy and humanities


Analysis carried out at the Federal University of Bahia, with the objective of identifying the main knowledge producers in the field of Philosophy and Humanities at that institution, as well as the media used to publicize the generated knowledge. Data was collected from the Catalogue of Scientific, Literary and Artistic Production, 1994-1996 and complemented with the System on Academic Body Production. The study covered a five-year period, from 1995 to 1999. The
results indicate that out of the universe of 372 professors, 63.17% were responsible for a total of 2083 publications, amongst books, book chapters, articles in periodicals, conference papers, and others. The most frequently used means of
disclosure of the scientific production was the article in periodicals, representing 33.41% of the publications, and followed by the presentation of papers in events (18.24%); next, came books (4.85%) and book chapters (13.59%), Portuguese
was the most frequently used language, representing 96.54% of the scientific production.


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How to Cite

das Neves MACHADO, R. ., & França MEIRELLES, R. . (2005). Analysis of the professors’ scientific production in the field of Philosophy and Humanities at the Federal University of Bahia (Brazil), during 1995-1999. Transinformação, 17(2), 1–12. Retrieved from


