Information and knowledge in the digital age
information-knowledge, contemporary society, technologies of information and communication, cultureAbstract
The text proposes a reflection about the relationship man-information-knowledge, since the changes which imposed a new societal configuration, altered even the forms of access to information and the production of knowledge. The discussion points out to current changes, occurring in all spheres of culture; however, it
mostly focuses on the evolution of the communication processes and on the reproduction mechanisms of the capitalist system. Some components like the times, space and social memory will be emphasized, because, besides being at the core of the social changes caused by the emergence of the information and communication technologies, they are also essential to the production of meaning, required in the act of knowing. In conclusion, we argue that the integration of the different minds to the computer nets do not exist yet, in a period of time sufficient enough so that their effects over the culture may be adequately measured. Despite recognizing that the net is useful during certain phases of the knowledge production, mainly at the data acquisition/retrieval process, which may be significantly swifted through the use of the net, this article alerts to the fact that the initial quest, the search required for the construction of knowledge comes from the abilities to question and to assign meanings to the obtained answers, which are only achieved by the human individual.
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