Approaches to epistemology: Bachelard, Morin and the epistemology of complexity


  • Marivalde Moacir FRANCELIN Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas


epistemology, epistemology of complexity, Gaston Bachelard, Edgar Morin, perspectivism


This article presents a review of the distinct conceptions of epistemology, departing
from the concept of epistemology as a word. It approaches the structure of epistemology, taken as both, a research field and the discipline of knowledge, and considers its developments into plural epistemologies. Furthermore, the
author argues that the epistemology of complexity circumscribes, and is itself circumscribed, by such epistemologies. In short, the article aims to establish a mobile and flexible itinerary regarding epistemology, up to its relationship with the complexity, as posed by the works of Gaston Bachelard and Edgar Morin.


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How to Cite

Moacir FRANCELIN, M. . (2005). Approaches to epistemology: Bachelard, Morin and the epistemology of complexity. Transinformação, 17(2), 1–10. Retrieved from


