The role of marking languages in Information Science


  • Sérgio FURGERI Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Campinas


Marking languages, HTML, XML, RDF, schema, metadata, semantics, Information Science


This article presents a general view on some marking languages that have a direct connection with Information Science. The main characteristics, strong points and limitations of these languages are presented, from the
point of view of their relationship with Information Science. In a comparative approach, the article determines the role of each language in the dissemination, exchange and retrieval of information. It also suggests how to
create information representation structures through XML and vocabularies through RDF and Namespaces language, these subjects are discussed without much technical concern, despite being related to the computer science area. The article also attempts to indicate emergent opportunities for the use of marking languages in the field of Information Science.


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How to Cite

FURGERI, S. . (2006). The role of marking languages in Information Science. Transinformação, 18(3), 1–16. Retrieved from

