Concepts and use of the organizational information and strategic information


  • Angélica Toffano Seidel CALAZANS Centro Universitário de Brasilia


organizational information, strategic information, information flow, organization


Information is the basis for knowledge generation and for this reason it is considered one of the most important issues within an organization. Like an asset, information needs to be managed and controlled. Information management, the manner in which organizations access, organize and share, make use of information and create knowledge, is an important basis for competitiveness. In order to effectively use inside and outside information, an organization must manage it, identify the information flow, the factors that impact their process, and the existing types of information which are necessary to the add value. In this work, organizations and information concepts are identified and analyzed, as well as noting their evolution within the organizational context. Definitions about organizational information, strategic information and the study of their types are described. Also, some aspects that hinder the information management process are identified, emphasizing the importance of informational flow analysis in order to ensure information quality and effectiveness.


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How to Cite

Toffano Seidel CALAZANS, A. . (2006). Concepts and use of the organizational information and strategic information. Transinformação, 18(1), 1–8. Retrieved from


