Scientific research institutionalization in Brazil: thematic andsocial network cartography by means of bibliometric techniques


  • Nair Yumiko KOBASHI Universidade de São Paulo
  • Raimundo Nonato Macedo dos SANTOS Universidade de São Paulo


institutionalization of scientific research, organization of knowledge, thematic cartography, bibliometric pointers, dissertation, theses


Pointers of scientific production yielded by traditional methodologies are questioned when used as exclusiveparameters for evaluation of scientific research done in countries, regions or even knowledge areas. For thisreason, it is necessary to seek theoretical and methodological alternatives to map scientific research in variouscontexts fully and reliably. To face this challenge, a working hypothesis is presented, based on the idea that therepositories of dissertations and theses can be reliable sources of the science produced in Brazil. By means oftheoretical grounds that associate Science Social Studies, the Organization and advanced Representation of the Knowledge and bibliometric Methods, new approaches can be glimpsed as social and cognitiveinstitutionalization of the scientific research in Brazil. The graphical visualization of this information by means ofdynamic cartography is useful due to its functionality, providing a global vision of sets of information andevidencing relations and structures among them. In addition, it is a powerful interface, which is used in informationrecovery systems.


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How to Cite

Yumiko KOBASHI, N. ., & Nonato Macedo dos SANTOS, R. . (2006). Scientific research institutionalization in Brazil: thematic andsocial network cartography by means of bibliometric techniques. Transinformação, 18(1), 1–10. Retrieved from


