The promise of interactive audiovisual


  • João Baptista Winck


creative industries, digital audiovisual, interactive television, productive chain


The productive chain of audiovisual uses the cultural capital, especially the creativity, as its main source of resources, inaugurating what is being called creative economy. This chain of value manufactures the inventivety as raw material, transforming ideas into objects of consumption of wide scale. The television industry is inserted in a bigger conglomerate of industries, such as fashion, arts, music, etc. This gigantic technological park congregates the activities that hold the creation as a value, its production in scale as a means, and the increment of the intellectual property as an end in itself. Little by little the industrialization of the creativity is modifying the theoretical body regarding what's thought about work relations, the tools and, above all, the concept of properties as product of intelligence.


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How to Cite

Baptista Winck, J. . (2007). The promise of interactive audiovisual. Transinformação, 19(3). Retrieved from


