Digital libraries’ interoperability: The role of persistent identifiers’ systems - URN, PURL, DOI, Handle System, CrossRef and OpenURL


  • Luís Fernando Sayão


digital libraries, persistent identifiers, Advanced manufacturing industry, Cientific journal, PURL, DOI, CrossRef, Handle System, OpenURL


To be feasible, the concept of distributed and interoperable digital repositories - libraries or archives - depends strongly on an infrastructure of persistent identification, as well as on the reliability of the linkage scheme between distinct but related information resources, in order to assure to the user a continuous and convenient access to the digital contents. This paper describes the current state-of-the-art of persistent identification and linkage in the Internet, focusing on the interoperability of the open digital libraries. It contrasts various approaches to the issue and analyzes the most important schemes and their relationship: URN, PURL, DOI, CrossRef, Handle System and OpenURL.


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How to Cite

Sayão, L. F. . (2007). Digital libraries’ interoperability: The role of persistent identifiers’ systems - URN, PURL, DOI, Handle System, CrossRef and OpenURL. Transinformação, 19(1). Retrieved from

