Information, Communication, Knowledge: Perspectives and Evolution


  • Amarildo José Bernardi


information, knowledge, technology, capitalism, mass, net, financial markets


Information, understood as supply and flow, can be found under different ways of expression, throughout the history of the human being; thereby, we can identify different forms by which its influence passes to be exerted throughout the time. Departing from the invention of printing by Gutenberg, of the radio and the television, and, finally, of the Internet, the information has exerted increasing influence in the structuring of societies and the relationship among human beings. This subject gains even more significant aspects within the capitalist societies and it is from the binomial information-plus-knowledge, supported by new technological advances, that the new paradigm seems to be structured.


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How to Cite

Amarildo José Bernardi. (2007). Information, Communication, Knowledge: Perspectives and Evolution. Transinformação, 19(1). Retrieved from


