Institutionalization of Information Science in Brazil: study of the convergence between the scientific production and regulatory landmarks of the area


  • Regiane Alcântara Eliel


Information Science institutionalization, Information Science theoretical aspects, scientometrics methodology, thesis and dissertations


The objective of the present study is to show the development and the institutionalization of Information Science in Brazil, analyzing the degree of convergence between the scientific production - materialized in thesis and dissertations - and landmarks (Documento de Área da CAPES e Grupos Temáticos da ANCIB). Its empirical object is constituted of references data of thesis and dissertations of information science, analyzed using of scientometrics methodology. Finally, the thesis and dissertations present partial convergence with landmarks, and the information science necessities to surpass some challenges such as to diminish the high number of studies concerning the practice; to guarantee the production of theoretical and conceptual research, in detriment of the research that aims to solve concrete and focused problems, and to define the object of study of the area, avoiding its thematic dispersion and, moreover, promote greater index of growth of the Post-Graduation programs, mainly in relation to the courses of doctorate to guarantee its effective social and cognition institutionalization.


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How to Cite

Alcântara Eliel, R. . (2008). Institutionalization of Information Science in Brazil: study of the convergence between the scientific production and regulatory landmarks of the area. Transinformação, 20(3). Retrieved from


