Electronic publishing in Brazilian Scientific Journals: the use of SEER/OJS


  • Ana Gabriela Clipes Ferreira
  • Sônia Elisa Caregnato


electronic publishing, scientific communication, electronic journals


The study analyses the use of SEER/OJS by publishers of Brazilian scientific journals. It identifies the advantages and disadvantages, and the resources offered by the tool. It verifies the reasons that encourage the use of SEER and its resources, as well as the level of satisfaction of publishers who have adopted the device. Data was collected by means of an electronic form sent by e-mail to all publishers listed on the IBICT site as users of SEER. It got a return rate of 45,91% of the 98 electronic messages successfully sent. In the publishers’ opinion the number of article submission has increased after implementing SEER/OJS, and the search and retrieval performances were improved due to the use of a search tool. According to publishers, publishing costs diminished, but the time necessary for article reviewing and for journals´ publication did not present significant improvements. Navigability was considered excellent. The main reasons for adopting SEER/OJS have been the easiness of the use, and the recommendation of the editor’s institution. The management of the editorial process was the resource most frequently used. SEER was generally evaluated as excellent or good. Among the suggestions for improvements in the system are the possibility of adaptations in the layout and the availability of articles in other formats and languages. Finally, it suggests the evaluation of the tool by other types of users, such as referees, authors and readers.


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How to Cite

Clipes Ferreira, A. G. ., & Caregnato, S. E. (2008). Electronic publishing in Brazilian Scientific Journals: the use of SEER/OJS. Transinformação, 20(2). Retrieved from https://periodicos.puc-campinas.edu.br/transinfo/article/view/6256


