An approach of the concept as a semiotic structure


  • Carlos Xavier de Azevedo Netto


concepts constitution, semiotics, representation, transfer of information


The present work uses the premise that all informational practice has a structure that makes possible the transference of the information and its effectiveness as knowledge. And such effectiveness is given from the structure and the use of concepts. Considering that the structure is given in a discursive level of each informational community, it is used the notion of speech established by Foucault (1996). To discuss the information exchange, it was used the theoretical subsidy of Dalhberg (1978a, 1978b), on the concept theory, Cassirer (1977), Foucault (1992) and Gardin (1992) in the representation discussion. Thus, the conceptualization and sharing of the social representations, make it necessary the understanding of the role of the concepts within the symbolic and discursive constitution, in a transference process of the information in a specific community. In such a way, it is discussed the constitution and practice of the speech, under the semiotics point of view of Pierce (1977) and an analysis of the entity concept is proposed as a semiotic structure.


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How to Cite

Xavier de Azevedo Netto, C. . (2008). An approach of the concept as a semiotic structure. Transinformação, 20(1). Retrieved from

