The fundamentals of information organization in face of the production of documents


  • Cristina Dotta Ortega


information organization, production of documents, production of electronic documents, document


It explores the notion of information organization from the perspective of the production of documents. It comprehends the production of documents as a process of elaboration of the records of information, which will give access to the units of knowledge, and not as the production of this knowledge. It works with the idea that the notion of production of documents becomes more evident in the production of the electronic document, where there is an approach between the stages of the text edition of the author and the representation in information retrieval systems. It draws and discusses historically and conceptually the production of documents, exploring the document through its components, its stages of production and as a product of the documentary processes. It concludes that the notion of the production of documents (in the documentary sense) is that one done in a documentary information system through the transformation of the author’s text in a document, which implies the elaboration of ways of presentation, representation and access to these documents. Finally, it indicates the necessity for enlargement and definition of the fundamentals of the notion of information organization by adding the notion of the production of documents.


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How to Cite

Dotta Ortega, C. . (2008). The fundamentals of information organization in face of the production of documents. Transinformação, 20(1). Retrieved from


