Usuários da informação, tecnologia e educação


  • Marco Antônio de Almeida
  • Tatiana Bocardo Aita


information, users, education, technology, mediation


The article analyzes the profiles of users in cyberspace. Through questionnaires and qualitative interviews conducted with students from USP in Ribeirão Preto, data were collected to reflect on the theme. This mapping has brought benefits to better evaluate the research and organization of information tools available. The study used research instruments and forms of analysis that considered the quantitative and qualitative aspects. The objective was to better understand the mechanisms of interaction between users and information systems, obtaining subsidies to assess the processes of training course at the university and its relationship with the new technologies of communication and information. Was observed as the activities of mediation and training of users to the information are strategic to achieving good results.


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How to Cite

de Almeida, M. A., & Bocardo Aita, T. . (2009). Usuários da informação, tecnologia e educação. Transinformação, 21(3). Retrieved from


