Archive and memory: an inseparable relation


  • Dirlene Santos Barros
  • Dulce Amélia


archive-memory, information society, historic research, archivist sources


Archive and memory approach as an inseparable relation within Information Society. This relation is evidenced as essential, thus the archive is imbued of practice and mnemonic and remindful senses that form the identity of a population. It is emphasized the importance of the archive as a place for achieving historic research and knowledge production; in such case, new ways of understanding the phenomena and the way they develop themselves are created. This practice allows the harmonious intersection with the Information Science concerning its representational approaching. It is focused the importance of the file source, which, when inserted in the social-economic, political and cultural context, points to the human being as a sense producer.


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How to Cite

Santos Barros, D., & Amélia, D. (2009). Archive and memory: an inseparable relation. Transinformação, 21(1). Retrieved from

