Virtual social networks: a theoretical approach to the study in information science


  • Ruleandson do Carmo CRUZ


Virtual community, Information, Social networks, Users


This article covers scientific works from researchers studying social networks - especially virtual social networks - with a focus on relevant topics of study of such features in the field of Information Science. It theoretically describes social networks, virtual social networks, its sites and virtual communities. The analytical elements in
social networks and virtual social networks are conceptualized. The circulating information in virtual social network context is characterized, as well as online information users, the flow of information and the elements which form
the social capital shared in cyberspace social networks. This paper also presents basic theoretic findings on the study of information in virtual social networks sites, among others considerations. 


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How to Cite

do Carmo CRUZ, R. . (2010). Virtual social networks: a theoretical approach to the study in information science. Transinformação, 22(3). Retrieved from


