Memory and hypertext: a reflection on relational knowledge


  • Giulia CRIPPA
  • Glória Carolina BISOFFI


Knowledge, Hypertext, Memory


This paper analyzes the changes the ways of organizing memory have undergone since ancient times, turning
them into the current artificial memory systems. It aims to draw a parallel between the art of memory (which
associates images to specific texts) and the hypertext (which also uses associations, but in a non-linear way). Our
methodology consisted of a qualitative approach, involving the collection of texts about the art of memory and
hypertext; this enables us to salvage the historical-cultural changes which have modified form and use of the art
of memory and allowed the creation of hypertext. It also analyzes the similarities among artificial memory systems
created by different cultures in order to prevent loss of knowledge produced by society.


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How to Cite

CRIPPA, G. ., & BISOFFI, G. C. (2010). Memory and hypertext: a reflection on relational knowledge. Transinformação, 22(3). Retrieved from


