Organizational information mapping
a study at Embrapa
Information architecture, Information management, Information mapping, MetadataAbstract
Information stored in computer systems are, generally, unknown by most of the members of an organization. Frequently, information needed is available, but people do not know how to access it and about its existence. Having that issue in mind, the following question was posed: how to identify an organization information in its information systems? To answer it, a qualitative, methodological and documental research was carried out to define a map of the information stored in the corporate information systems of Embrapa (Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation). To build the map, a process to systemize the mapping of information was created. The process was based on information architecture concepts, metadata representation, classification of information and relationship with the enterprise business process. The proposed process was applied in three corporate systems of Embrapa. To create the information mapping, sixty three reports were analyzed. Using the map some answers could be answered to improve the decisions, such as: “what information are duplicated in the organization and where are they?”; “which reports have much information?”; “who can access some information?”; “which are the business processes supported by an information system?” It can be concluded that queries available on information systems are not enough to have access to information. An information map facilitates localization and access to the information stored on different corporate systems.
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