Representations of joint economic ventures on the Internet


  • Reuber da Silva FONSECA
  • Lucília Regina de Souza MACHADO


Self-management, Cooperatives, Digital culture, Economy, Internet


The theme of this article is positioned between the new questions being posed by the virtual universe, particularly on account of the growing migration of communication and educational processes to the Internet and its power to form new institutional spaces and new social subjectivities. Its core objective was to understand and analyze representations of joint economic ventures, based in Belo Horizonte (Minas Gerais), on the Internet. Given the nature of the subject, it was necessary to benefit from quantitative and qualitative methodological approaches. The data collection instrument used for this study was a questionnaire. It was concluded from the study sample, which was purpose-specific and covered twelve ventures, that they seem to have positive judgments concerning digital inclusion, but are not totally without concern and doubts about the power and pervasiveness of this technology to society. 


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How to Cite

da Silva FONSECA, R. ., & de Souza MACHADO, L. R. . (2011). Representations of joint economic ventures on the Internet. Transinformação, 23(3). Retrieved from

