Cross-disciplinary interaction in information science research


  • Lucinéia BICALHO


Information science, Epistemology, Interdisciplinary, Multidisciplinary, Cross-disciplinary


The production of scientific knowledge today, in all areas, has been accomplished largely through experiences that favor the interaction of different bodies of knowledge. Information Science is interdisciplinary in origin and this is one of its main features. This work is part of a doctoral research that aims to analyze what are the main forms of interaction and to what extent they participate in the research developed in the area. The research initially analyzed a sample of 531 scientific papers published in national journals in the area, of which 30% were analyzed in depth, representing those which have indicative characteristics of the occurrence of interaction with other areas of knowledge. By correlating the data obtained, it was found that different forms and levels of interaction are present in the research in Information Science, and that the multidisciplinary form is the most common. It has also found that interactivity with other areas is used more to support its disciplinarization rather than to promote its inter-disciplinary nature. 


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How to Cite

BICALHO, L. . (2011). Cross-disciplinary interaction in information science research. Transinformação, 23(2). Retrieved from


