The contribution of the study of collectionism to the Historical Museum historiography of the former “West Paulista”, Brazil


  • Silvia Maria do ESPÍRITO SANTO


Museum collections, Museums, History


This article refers to the study of public collectionism developed in the period from 1930 to 1950, in the region of West Paulista, Brazil. Considered as a social phenomenon and object of collectionist action, collectionism is also understood as the selective originary action of collecting objects. The term collectionism, in terms of conceptual and lexical analysis, allows us to establish relationships in material culture, given the articulation of a public/private axis. The work includes analysis of a character agency on the basis of a specific example, and also checks the process of creating an official natural history museum, institutions taken as an object, in the cultural context. The research was supported by the Deleuzian theory for the application of the metaphor of the rhizome, to explain the subjective relations, negotiations and strategies.


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How to Cite

do ESPÍRITO SANTO, S. M. . (2011). The contribution of the study of collectionism to the Historical Museum historiography of the former “West Paulista”, Brazil. Transinformação, 23(1). Retrieved from


