PuertoTex: a data mining software based on ontologies for automatic summarization on port and coastal engineering domain


  • Jose Antonio SENSO


Automata, Disambiguation of scientific texts, Data mining, Ontologies, Automatic summarization


The aim of this word to develop and evaluate the results of the implementation of an ontology-based software capable of generating automatic summaries in the field of Ports and Coastal Engineering. For the development of the tool has been used several techniques emanating from the analysis of discourse and cognitive techniques for generating rules for the treatment of the texts. It also calls for the construction of an ontology that facilitates the processes of labeling from the potential of Resource Description Framework and Extensible Makup Language. It has built a set of agents acting on the ontology, which declared its main elements. Are presented as a product generated, Puertotex, software for the construction of ontology-based automatic summaries. The evaluation of the summaries generated reflects the quality of the system, which is limited only by your ability to work with the domain under investigation. 


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How to Cite

LEIVA-MEDEROS, A. ., DOMÍNGUEZ-VELASCO, S. ., & SENSO, J. A. . (2012). PuertoTex: a data mining software based on ontologies for automatic summarization on port and coastal engineering domain. Transinformação, 24(2). Retrieved from https://periodicos.puc-campinas.edu.br/transinfo/article/view/6157


