Paradigm shift and its rupture: a case study and paradigmatic plurality of Museology and Information Sciences


  • Raimundo Nonato Macedo dos SANTOS


Information, Paradigm shift, Museology


In this article, brief history of Information Science was traced from a literature review, noting some concepts still under discussion in a field of studies that is allegedly a beginner, due to the absence of paradigms able to meet the concerns of researchers in a satisfactory manner. In this context, an endeavor will be made to address the question of how the emergence of a crisis can compromise a model of thought to the point of raising a new paradigm. The concept of paradigm shift in relation to Museology and Information Science will be analyzed from a brief case study, from which a clearer understanding will be found about the negotiations that are evident when it comes to issues related to scientific research and academic community.


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How to Cite

GOUVEIA JÚNIOR, M., & Nonato Macedo dos SANTOS, R. . (2012). Paradigm shift and its rupture: a case study and paradigmatic plurality of Museology and Information Sciences. Transinformação, 24(2). Retrieved from


