A reference ontology for digital scientific journals applied to systematic literature review processes


  • Fernando Benedet GHISI
  • Gleisy Regina Bóries FACHIN
  • Marcos Henrique dos SANTOS
  • Denilson SELL
  • Gregório Jean Varvakis RADOS


Dublin Core, Metadata, Descriptive representation, FRBR, RDA, RDF, Semantic web


This paper presents possible approaches to the use of a reference ontology for digital journals, supporting bibliographic processes in systematic literature reviews. The benefits are highlighted of using specialized servicesthrough “batch” or “on-the-fly”processing of information from different repositories, such as recognized and indexed databases and portals or specific websites. It is concluded that the use of reference ontology enables the creation of services that ensure greater interoperability between
different repositories, allowing a more inclusive and accurate retrieval of information, as it standardizes the concepts related to the access points of scientific journals.


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How to Cite

Benedet GHISI, F. ., Bóries FACHIN, G. R. ., dos SANTOS, M. H. ., SELL, D., & Varvakis RADOS, G. J. . (2012). A reference ontology for digital scientific journals applied to systematic literature review processes. Transinformação, 24(2). Retrieved from https://periodicos.puc-campinas.edu.br/transinfo/article/view/6152


