Building knowledge from the margins: information, knowledge and social movements


  • Víctor Manuel MARÍ SÁEZ


Alternative communication, Anti-globalist movements, Knowledge-building, Social transformation


The social theory that has been constructed in Latin America in the past twenty years, proposes an alternative to the traditional
criteria of science boundaries. This alternative approach, oriented towards social emancipation, is gaining ground over the
predominant tendency, which is to subsume knowledge into an intensive process of commoditization. Anti-globalist movements
are amongst the social players that have a leading role in the development of new ways of building knowledge. These
movements act based on a new relationship between processes of social change, knowledge-building and the meaning and direction of communication. In this context, communication and information cease to be instruments for the regulation and control of social behavior. The tensions arising from the market and the predominating, inherited communication models go
against research concerned with building meanings and viewpoints that are alternatives to the predominant ones. The new,
emerging approaches tend to strengthen bidirectional relationships between communication and social transformation.


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How to Cite

MARÍ SÁEZ, V. M. (2012). Building knowledge from the margins: information, knowledge and social movements. Transinformação, 24(1). Retrieved from


